Not So Berry with a Twist

When I play the Sims 4, I like to watch/listen to YouTube videos by some of the EA Game Changes like James Turner, lilsimsie, Deligracy, Clare Siobhan, etc. I recently started watching Clare’s Not So Berry Let’s Play and decided I wanted to try it. For those not familiar with the Not So Berry challenge it was created by lilsimsie and here are the Official rules.

While playing the fifth generation of my Boolprop Dear Diary Challenge Drew’s daughter Ivy quickly became one of my favorite sims. She was named after Poison Ivy from Batman (everyone in that challenge was named after a fictional character from a book) and I thought she would be perfect for the first “Mint themed” generation. Since she was just about to age into a teen at the conclusion of the Dear Diary Challenge I didn’t want to wait for her to become a Young Adult. Therefore, since she will be starting the challenge as a teenager I wanted to create some additional tasks for her to accomplish, as I figured she would have a head start on completing some of the skills and aspiration tasks.

As I was coming up with additional tasks for Ivy to complete I realized that lilsimsie’s version hadn’t been updated to reflect any packs other than City Living or Get To Work. There is nothing in there about University, Pets, Celebrities, etc. In the official rules, lilsimsie asks, “Do you want to mess around with aspects of the game you’ve never used before?” My answer to that is yes, BUT I wanted to try out aspects from various packs that I don’t use as much or have never tried. I did some checking online and found Not So Berry An Updated Version by Sweetlysimss and Not So Berry Challenge 2.0 by simqueen8 that offered updated/alternative versions. There are also extended versions, like the one from gerbithats or neecxle. I took inspiration from some of those versions and came up with my own version of the rules to incorporate different packs and make it even more challenging for myself.

My version is below – some generations will be similar to the lilsimsie version while others (like the Rose generation) are totally different. I combined things from a few and moved some other things around. I changed one of the colors (I find Peach too similar to both orange and pink) and added a few more colorful generations. I also changed some of the traits completely to pull in things from newer packs. The traits are not always color-themed – some were chosen because they fit the overall theme of that generation in terms of career, skills, etc.

I hope that all makes sense and you enjoy my “Not So Berry with a Twist” legacy challenge.

Disclaimers: You should also know that I am about storytelling and trying new things in the game, so I do use “potions of youth” to prolong life to complete challenges especially if I am sending my heir to university as it takes up almost their entire young adult life. I also may experiment with Mods for storytelling purposes – that is just how I like to play the game. You will also see that I used the term “Mother” in a lot of the descriptions as I was playing this as a matriarch legacy but you could do it as a patriarch legacy or switch back and forth.

The changes I made are a work in progress and may change as I move through the generations or as new packs are released.


Generation One: Mint

You’re a mischievous scientist that really loves the color mint. You’re career driven but still make time for silly pranks and adventures with your closest friends. You love luxury and want the best for yourself and your family.

Traits: Squeamish*, Jealous, Materialistic

*The only reason I changed the trait from vegetation to squeamish was because Ivy had randomly rolled the Squeamish trait as a child before I decided to use her for the Not So Berry Challenge. I found it added some additional challenges to her career as a scientist because tasks like fishing grossed her out and made her tense.


  • Chief of Mischief
  • Strangerville Mystery
  • Nerd Brain


  • Scientist Career Level 10


  • Max (Level 10) Mischief
  • Max (Level 10) Logic

Other Goals:

  • Complete Elements Collection
  • Visit Sixam
  • Have and/or raise an alien baby

Read the Mint Generation

Generation Two: Rose

You had everything you desired as a child and now want to make a difference and change the world. Your life is dedicated to making the wold a better place for future generations. If we had a workaholic trait in The Sims 4 you would have it. Having a family has never been your focus, so you have absolutely no maternal instincts whatsoever but you still love your child with all your heart.

Traits: Self-Assured, Hot-Headed, Insider


  • Friends of the World
  • Leader of the Pack
  • Eco-Innovator


  • Conservationist Career Reach Level 6 (Conservationist Director)
  • Civil Designer Career Level 10
  • Political Career Level 10


  • Max (Level 10) Research & Debate
  • Max (Level 10) Charisma

Other Goals:

  • Earn enough Aspiration Points to purchase the Incredibly Friendly and Connections Reward Traits
  • Clean up Sulani and Restore the Islands Ecosystem
  • Clean up Port Promise and earn a Green Eco Footprint
  • Have only one child

Going to University is not required for this generation but some of the degrees will give you a career boost which may come in handy.

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a child complete the Social Butterfly aspiration and earn the Socially Gifted Trait
  • As a teen be in range to earn the “Good Manners” and one additional positive Personality Trait of your choice

Read the Rose Generation

Generation Three: Yellow

Growing up you never had a close relationship with your mother as she was always off fighting for her causes. You loved spending time with your grandma because she spoiled you rotten and made you the center of attention. After she died you craved that level of attention from others. Now you want the entire wold to know your name.

Traits: Ambitious, Self-Absorbed, Goofball


  • World Famous Celebrity
  • Mansion Baron
  • At least one of the following:
    • Master Actor/Actress
    • Musical Genius
    • Joke Star


  • Complete one or more of the following careers
    • Actor/Actress
    • Entertainer (either branch)
    • Social Media (Internet Personality)


  • Max (Level 5) Photography
  • Max (Level 5) Media Production
  • Max (Level 10) in two or more of the following:
    • Guitar
    • Piano
    • Violin
    • Comedy

Other Goals:

  • Buy and/or build a house in The Pinnacles
  • Date and/or marry another celebrity
  • Have a Pristine Reputation – even if you have to pay for it (i.e., bribe the paparazzi)
  • Have a Gold Level Meet and Greet Event
  • Have a Gold Level Charity Gala (after all you are your mother’s daughter)
  • Earn a Gold Accolade Award
  • Get your Diamond on the Starlight Boulevard

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a child complete the Artistic Prodigy aspiration and earn the Creatively Gifted Trait
  • As a child and/or teen reach the top level of Drama Club

Read the Yellow Generation

Generation Four: Grey

You always felt that you were different from your parents and siblings. Your mother insisted that you learn a musical instrument as a child, but while you grew to love music your passions lie elsewhere. You’re very good at sports and dream of becoming a professional athlete. While your parents and sibling(s) love the spotlight you have found you prefer being alone or with close friends and teammates. You have some great friends but your love life is a bit of a mess as you struggle to find the one. To make up for your almost nonexistent relationship with your parents you want to be there for your own children as much as possible. Oh, and you love to sing.

Traits: Active, Music Lover, Loner


  • Bodybuilder
  • Sports Enthusiast
  • Super Parent


  • Bodybuilder Career (Professional Athlete Track)


  • Max (Level 10) Fitness
  • Max (Level 10) Snowboarding
  • Max (Level 10) Skiing
  • Max (Level 10) Singing
  • At least level 5 in violin and/or piano (you were forced to take lessons as a child/teen)

Other Goals:

  • Purchase the Gym Rat rewards trait
  • Attend University on an athletic scholarship and play on the soccer team
  • Become a Soccer Team Playmaker and earn the MVP! MVP! Soccer Trophy
  • Have three failed relationships before finding spouse
  • Be good friends with all of your children
  • Eat at least one meal a day together as a family
  • Do a family activity every Sunday – this could be be watching a movie, going bowling, attending a festival, going for a hike, volunteering, reading together, etc

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a child complete the rambunctious scamp aspiration and earn the physically gifted trait
  • As a teenager reach the top of one (or more) of the following
    • Lifeguard part-time career
    • Football Team
    • Cheer Squad

Read the Grey Generation

Generation Five: Plum

You are an overachiever and have always been good at anything you tried even if you doubt yourself – you are your own worst critic. When it comes time to your choice of career you can’t decide, so why not try a few? You figure what better way to explore your options than attend University. Unfortunately, picking a major is even harder than picking a career. You are always worried about making a wrong decision and people judging you. After graduating you try a few different jobs before deciding to become a doctor. You work in the medical field for much of your life, but overtime your paranoia gets the best of you and as an adult you retreat into the world of books – after-all they can’t judge you. You dream of writing the next great novel but are too paranoid over what others think of you to publish them, so you take a job as a freelance author – ghost writing for others or publishing books using pseudonyms. Eventually you find the courage to publish books using your own name and become a best selling author.

Traits: Paranoid, Bookworm, Non-committal


  • Academic
  • Renaissance Sim
  • Best Selling Author


  • Work in the Doctor Career until you reach adulthood
  • Freelance Writer – Max out Performance


  • Max (Level 10) in Writing and two other skills of your choosing
  • Reach level 8 in at least six other skills

Other Goals:

  • Enroll in University and change majors after your first term. You could also switch schools.
  • Live in at least three different worlds over the course of your life
  • Get engaged but leave someone at the alter
  • Get married, get divorced and then later remarried to the same Sim
  • Have at least one child as a young adult and a second (heir) later in life as an adult
  • Do not publish any of your own books UNTIL you max out performance in the Freelance Writer Career

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a toddler reach level 3 in all Toddler Skills and earn the Happy Toddler Trait (try getting to level 5 in all skills to earn the Top Notch Toddler Trait)
  • As a child complete at least two of the child aspirations (try getting all four)
  • As a teen reach the top of at least 1 part time career OR after school activity
  • Be in range to earn at least two positive character value traits (try getting all five)

Read the Plum Generation

Generation Six: Orange

You are the black sheep of your family (but with orange hair) and were raised in a hectic household. Your parents had you later in life which means you are much younger than your older sibling(s). Since your mother’s paranoia got worse as she got older she is much more strict with you – no dating, early curfew, and a mile-long list of chores. As a teen, you rebel, break curfew, steal, skip school, etc.

You can’t wait to leave, so you can explore the world and have one adventure after another. You want to climb mountain peaks, explore forests and jungles, travel, and have a little romance along the way. You figure joining the military is your ticket out and enlist as soon as possible. The higher-ups see your potential and when you reach level 5 you are offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. They want you to leave the military and become an astronaut. How can you turn down the opportunity to visit space – there is no greater adventure than that! Right?!.

However, old habits are hard to break, and let’s face it stealing (or smuggling) things in space sounds way more exciting than pick-pocketing old Mrs. Crumplebottom. In between smuggling runs you travel and explore other destinations (i.e., Sulani, Selvadorada, etc.) collecting things along the way. You are, however, not a very good smuggler, as you enjoy collecting (stealing) more than selling things for profit. You eventually quit your job, get a cheap fixer-upper apartment in the city, and remain unemployed for the remainder of your life to focus on traveling. You occasionally have to sell things to pay the bills. One particular trip results in a bit of an “unexpected” surprise.*

*If you are playing with a female heir have her become pregnant. If you are playing with a male heir you can have him get someone else pregnant or use CAS to allow to change the pregnancy settings.

Traits: Adventurous, Kleptomaniac, Romantic


  • Collector
  • Outdoor Enthusiast
  • Serial Romantic
  • Two or more of the following “Location Aspirations”
    • Jungle Explorer
    • Archeology Scholar
    • Beach Life
    • Mt. Komorebe Sightseer
  • Optional Aspiration: Galactic Privateer (Journey to Batuu)


  • Military Level 5
  • Astronaut Level 10 (Smuggler Branch)


  • Max (Level 10) Rocket Science (needed to fulling upgrade the rocket)
  • Max (Level 10) Herbalism (needed to complete Outdoor Enthusiast aspiration)
  • Max (Level 10) Handiness (needed to explore Hidden Grotto)
  • Reach at least Level 6 in Rock Climbing (needed to reach Mt. Komorebi Peak)

Other Goals:

  • Be enemies with at least one member of your family (parent, older sibling, etc)
  • Explore all of the hidden worlds
    • Sylvan Glade
    • Forgotten Grotto
    • Hermits House
    • Sixam
    • Mt. Komorebi Peak, etc
  • Have Romantic Rendezvous with someone from each location you visit (for example, the Granite Falls Hermit, a Sixam Alien, Selvadoradian Local, Sulani Mermaid, etc)
  • Woohoo in as many unique locations as possible (waterfall, hot springs, ice cave, rocket ship, tent, bush, etc).
  • Live in an cheap fixer upper apartment
  • Complete the postcard collection

*Note I did turn aging off while playing in Batuu. I figured it was similar to the Chronicles of Narnia or Alice in Wonderland where it feels like days in the other world but time back home stops.

Read the Orange Generation

Generation Seven: Pink

You grew up poor, living paycheck to paycheck as your mother cared more about going on adventures than she did making money. Your apartment is overflowing with the items she collected but refuses to sell. You work in the Business Career to make ends met but also supplement your income by painting, knitting, fabricating, woodworking, candle making, etc. You sell things on Plopsy, at local flea markets, and in community market-spaces. When your mother isn’t looking you may even sell an item or two from her collection – she has so much stuff you doubt she will even notice it is gone. You dream of one day opening up your own retail store and becoming fabulously wealthy. You’re a hopeless romantic, but your unflirty nature makes it nearly impossible to find love, yet you are determined to find your soulmate.

Traits: Creative, Maker, Unflirty


  • Fabulously Wealthy
  • Soulmate
  • One or more of the following:
    • Painter Extraordinaire
    • Lord/Lady of the Knits
    • Master Maker


  • Business Level 6 (Senior Manager)
  • Freelance Crafter and/or Freelance Artist


  • Max (Level 10) Painting
  • Max (Level 10) Knitting
  • Max (Level 10) Fabricating
  • Max (Level 5) Cross Stitching

Other Goals:

  • Attend the Flea Market every time it is in San Myshuno to sell you items
  • Open and run a Retail Store to sell your crafts
  • Purchase the Creative Visionary reward trait

Read the Pink Generation

Generation Eight: Onyx

You witness the death of a loved one (grandparent, parent, sibling, pet) at a young age and afterward frequently see their ghost roaming the hallways at night. Unfortunately, no one in the family believes you. You became fascinated by the paranormal. You love everything ghosts, vampires, witches, etc, and often dress up in costumes. You LOVE Spooky Day and planning costume parties for your friends and family. Growing up you were called a “geek” by your peers due to the dressing up and talk of the supernatural. But you don’t care – you LOVE everything supernatural and hope to one day be an occult sim yourself. You are a slob, so you may need to get yourself a maid or even better summon Bonehilda! You also love cats (or dogs) after all you need your very own familiar.

Traits: Slob, Geek, Cat (or Dog) Lover


  • Complete one or more of the following:
    • Good Vampire
    • Master Vampire
    • Vampire Family
    • Purveyor of Potions
    • Spell-craft and Sorcery


  • Paranormal Investigator


  • Max (Level 15) Vampiric Lore
  • Max (Level 10) Pipe Organ
  • Max (Level 5) Medium

Other Goals:

  • Attend University (any major) and join the “Order of Enchantments”
  • Be friends with a ghost, vampire, alien, mermaid, spellcaster, and werewolf
  • Summon and become friends with Bonehilda
  • Fall in love with an other occult Sim(s) of your choice
  • Befriend the Grim Reaper and earn the “Hello, Darkness, My Old Chum” achievement
  • Live in a Haunted House
  • Become a Vampire and/or Spellcaster
    • If you become a Spellcaster learn all of the spells and potions
  • Bring a ghost back from the dead
  • Have a Cat (or Dog) – if you become a Spellcaster make them your familiar

Read the Onyx Generation

Generation Nine: Blue

While your parents were off exploring the supernatural you became interested in science – specifically computer science and robotics. You are so into your computers that you will often stay up until 3 am programming the newest phone app or playing the latest video game. Sometimes the lack of sleep leaves you feeling a little gloomy but that’s what caffeine is for right? You feel more at home in front of a computer (or phone screen) and struggle to make friends in person. In fact you have more friends on Social Bunny and streaming followers than you do in real-life. Fortunately, as a child (or teenager) you manage to make a small group of close-knit friends that you maintain for the rest of your life – they are your people. Despite being socially awkward you fall in love only to get your heart broken. You decide rather than risk more heartbreak you are going to put robotics skills to the test and create your perfect mate (servo). The only problem is they are made of metal and can’t reproduce. Remember, your parents were big into the supernatural and some of that rubbed off on you. If you can’t have a baby the old fashion way you can just ask Father Winter.

Traits: Genius, Socially Awkward, Gloomy


  • Computer Whiz


  • One or more of the following careers:
    • Engineering Level 10 Computer Engineer Branch
    • Tech Guru Level 10 Either Track
    • Freelance Computer Programming
    • Video Game Streamer


  • Max (Level 10) Video Gaming
  • Max (Level 10) Programming
  • Max (Level 10) Robotics

Other Goals:

  • Attend University and Major in Computer Science
    • Captain of the E-Sports team
    • Senior Member of the Bot Savants
  • Must attend GeekCon every time it is in town even if it means missing work/school. Note: the calendar shows when GeekCon is taking place so you can schedule a vacation day. (You can skip GeekCon while in University if it means missing classes/finals)
    • Win first place in both the Hack-a-thon and Gaming Tournament
  • Win a video game tournament on the computer or gaming station
  • Purchase the Seldom Sleepy and Night Owl Reward Traits
  • Create and fall in love with a Servo
  • Have three to five close friends throughout your life
  • Have twins (one naughty and one nice) with Father Winter (you can woohoo him or you use cheats)*

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a child attend the Festival of Youth and compete in the Voidcritter Hunt
  • As a teenager join the Computer Club

*You can have children with the “heartbreak relationship” BUT they are not eligible to become heir. The heir MUST be Father Winter’s child as the “Child of Father Winter” trait is part of the next generation.

Generation Ten: Winter

Something different for this generation there are two different “heir” options. You can choose which heir you want to play with or even switch back and forth between the two.

Nice Twin

You are the biological child of Father Winter and therefore always strive for perfection in everything that you do. You are an overachieve and want to be the best at everything – successful career, white picket fence, loving spouse, beautiful children, clean house, and perfect parties. Your friends and family are always coming to you for life advice. You always do what is proper . . . well most of the time. You have a one-time affair (resulting in pregnancy) that you regret for the rest of your life. Afterward, you pour your soul into raising your children and fixing your marriage. When it all gets to be too much you do yoga or mediate to maintain your inner peace.

Traits: Proper, Perfectionist, Overachiever


  • Perfectly Pristine
  • Neighborhood Confidante
  • Big Happy Family


  • Any career that allows you to work from home that isn’t part of past or future generation.
  • Options: Law, Education, Style, etc.


  • Max (Level 10) Parenting
  • Any need for the career you choose.

Other goals:

  • Marry your high school sweetheart
  • Go on a family vacation each summer (Sulani, Granite Falls, Mt. Komorebi, etc)
  • Decorate for all the big holidays
  • Throw parties for all the major events – birthday, wedding, etc.
  • Have a wall of family photos
  • Have a minimum of four children with at least one child being adopted and one the result of the affair.
  • Do not hire any services.

Optional Bonus Goals

  • As a teenager complete the Goal Oriented and/or Admired Icon teen aspiration
  • Earn at least 3 positive character values (i.e. Good Manners, Responsible, Compassionate)
  • Attend prom and win prom royalty.
  • Graduation with honors

Naughty Twin

You are the biological child of Father Winter and therefore your family expected you and your sibling to be perfect – clean room, good manners, excellent grades, etc. This has caused you to act out and rebel. You live a lawless life, getting into fights, making enemies, and committing crimes as you strive to become “The Boss”. You are admittedly lazy but you have minions to do your dirty work. You marry several times throughout your life but your spouses all seem to die from “suspicious” circumstances. You love to meddle in the lives of your minions and create drama wherever you go. Your ultimate goal is live in a big mansion (your fortress) with a large staff at your beck and call.

Traits: Evil, Mean, Lazy


  • Villainous Valentine
  • Public Enemy
  • Mansion Baron


Choose one or more of the following:

  • Criminal (either branch)
  • Secret Agent (Villain Track)


  • None required but recommend Mischief and Fitness as will help with career and winning fights.

Other goals:

  • Attend University and major in Villainy
  • Outlive five wealthy spouses and unlock the “Black Widow” Achievement
  • Have a child with each spouse.
  • Have sims (spouse or enemies) die in “suspicious” circumstances – drowning, electrocution, fire, etc.
  • Have at least five good friends (minions) and at least five enemies
  • You can’t be bothered with things like cooking, cleaning, etc so hire a staff (lazy trait)

Optional Bonus Goals

  • As a teenager complete the Drama Llama or Live Fast teen aspiration
  • Earn at least 3 negative character values (i.e. Bad Manners, Irresponsible, Argumentative)
  • Get detention at least once
  • Break curfew and sneak out of the house

If you play both the “Naught” and “Nice” side of Gen 10 concurrently you only need to select one child from either side to move on as the heir for Generation 11. If you select the heir from the “Nice” twin then it needs to be the child from the affair. If you select the heir from the “Naughty” side then it can be any one of the five kids. If you want to only play a 10 Generation Legacy you could also stop here and not go on to Generation 11.

Generation Eleven: Neon – bright and colorful

Option A (If Heir is chosen from “Nice” twin): While everything about your childhood looks perfect from the outside the truth is more complicated. You are the result of your mother’s one-time affair and are therefore treated different than your siblings and step-parent. You find yourself escaping their cold stares for fun out with friends and trips to the city.

Option B (If Heir is chosen from “Naughty” twin): Your primary parent was a known criminal mastermind and the other died before you born (or baby/toddler). You find yourself escaping your family’s big/cold mansion for fun out with friends and trips to the city.

You love spending time in coffee shops, bars and nightclubs. Admit it you may have a tea and/or coffee addiction. You love to party and hang out with friends dancing the night away. You turned to humor as a coping mechanism to deal with all the family drama, so you also love to tell jokes and make people laugh. As a young adult you move to the city and get a job as a mixologist pouring drinks at bars, nightclubs, and lounges. While working you watch the comedians and DJs and know you would better at both. Once you reach level 6 in the culinary career and become a mixologist you quit to pursue you dream of becoming a stand-up comic. You also do a little DJ’ing on the side.

Traits: Dance Machine, Party Animal, Outgoing


  • Master Mixologist
  • Joke Star
  • City Living
  • Party Animal


  • Culinary (Mixology Track) – Level 6 to select Mixologist for the Aspiration Milestone
  • Entertainment (Comedian Track) – Level 10


  • Max (Level 5) Dancing
  • Max (Level 10) DJ Mixing
  • Max (Level 10) Mixology
  • Max (Level 10) Comedy
  • Max (Level 10) Singing – needed for the city living aspiration

Other Goals:

  • Must accept every invitation to parties/outings with your friends
  • Complete the snow globe and poster collections
  • Win a talent showcase with your comedy routine
  • Attend the Humor and Hijinks Festival every time it is in town and help the Jokesters to victory
  • Never marry – your parents relationship(s) made you doubt that soul-mates exist
  • Wait until you are an adult to have a child you are too busy parting as a YA

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a teenager get a job working as a Barista.

Generation Twelve: Green

You grew in the city surrounded by skyscrapers, neon lights, and concrete. Most of your meals come from take-out or street vendors. As a teenager, you became a vegetarian, but about the only things you can make for yourself are salads and grilled cheese sandwiches. You eat A LOT of grilled cheese. You long for a quiet and simple life. You want to move to the country and start your own farm where you can grow all of the fresh vegetables and fruit you crave. You want to live off the land and only eat the things you grow/gather yourself – a true farm-to-table experience. Like your plants you want your family roots to grow by creating a successful lineage.

Traits: Loves the Outdoors, Vegetarian, Family Oriented


  • Freelance Botanist
  • Grilled Cheese
  • Successful Lineage


  • Gardening Career (either branch)


  • Max (Level 10) Gardening
  • Max (Level 10) Fishing
  • Max (Level 10) Flower Arranging
  • Max (Level 10) Juice Fizzing

Other Goals:

  • Live off the Land and only eat what you can grow yourself
  • Have a garden that includes 25 unique plants, including a cow plant and money tree
  • Win a First Place Ribbon at the Fintchwick Fair for both regular and oversized crops
  • Become friends with your bees
  • Bring to life and befriend Patchy
  • Purchase the Super Green Thumb reward trait

Generation Thirteen: Tan/Beige

Your parents loved spending time in the garden and you grew up eating a lot of salads and your mom’s personal favorite – grilled cheese. You at so much grilled cheese that you eventually become lactose intolerant. While your parents wanted to be in the garden your prefer to be around the animals. You love the Fish, Llamas, Cows, Chickens, Rabbits, Foxes, Birds, Frogs, and even insects. In fact, you prefer animals to most people – especially children. You love animals so much you dream of one day opening your own vet clinic or maybe becoming an wild animal (werewolf) yourself.

Traits: Animal Enthusiast, Hates Children, Lactose Intolerant


One or more of the following:

  • Friends with the Animals
  • Angling Ace
  • Country Care Taker
  • Werewolf Initiate
  • One or more of the other Werewolf Aspirations (Lone Wolf, Wildfangs Renegade, Cure Seeker, etc)


  • Fisherman (Part-Time)
  • Self-Employeed as a Veterinarian


  • Max (Level 10) Fishing
  • Max (Level 10) Veterinarian
  • Max (Level 5) Pet Training

Other Goals:

  • Become friends with a rabbit and unlock the rabbit stump
  • Become friends with birds and unlock the tree
  • Stock a pond or have fish tanks with at least 20 different types of fish
  • Win first prize at the Finchwick Fair with a Cow, Chicken and Llama
  • Unlock/discover recipes for all the animal treats
  • Knit clothes for your animals
  • Have a dog learn all the pet skills (roll over, play dead, speak, fetch, etc)
  • Have a 5 Star Vet Clinic*
  • Have ZERO human (sim) friends other than the Creature Keeper – he is the only one that understands your love of animals (you can remain friends with family if you want)
  • Have at least one child but do NOT care for them yourself – partner, parent, sibling, or a Nanny must take care of the child as you HATE children.
  • Become a werewolf
  • Join a pack and become friends with other werewolves – if you are doing the Lone Wolf Aspiration you can skip this step.

Generation Twelve – Dark Brown/Chocolate

You spent most of your life without really knowing your parent(s) and had to fend for yourself most of the time. The feeling that you never got love from your parents always made you go to food as a coping mechanism. You love all things food, cooking, baking, and most importantly eating. You are always on the hunt for new recipes and often judge others by the food they make.

Disclaimer: Bold-Italic portion above came from gerbithats extended version Coral Generation.

Traits: Glutton, Foodie, Snob


  • Master Chef


  • Critic Level 10 Food Critic Branch
  • Culinary Level 10 Chef Branch


  • Max (Level 10) Cooking
  • Max (Level 10) Gourmet Cooking
  • Max (Level 10) Baking

Other Goals:

  • Attend University and earn a culinary degree
  • Collect all of the Experimental Food Photos
  • Learn all of the Food Stall Recipes
  • Open a Restaurant and/or Bakery
  • “Accidentally” kill another sim with bad puffer fish nagiri

Optional Bonus Goals:

  • As a teenager reach level 3 in Fast Food career
  • Travel to Selvadorada and learn all of the recipes including three hidden recipes. This is optional as it requires level 5 of the Selvadora Culture Skill.